@article{10972, keywords = {Asthma, poor control, referral to specialist, UK, MRC, The Health Foundation, Health Data Research UK, grants and personal fees, from AZ, BI, GSK, Bayer, grants from Chiesi, outside the submitted work. LF, reports grants from AUK, NIHR and personal fees from AZ, Sanofi, Novartis and GSK, outside the submitted work. The authors report no other conflicts of interest in, this work.}, author = {C. Kallis and A. Morgan and L. Fleming and J. Quint}, title = {Prevalence of Poorly Controlled Asthma and Factors Associated with Specialist Referral in Those with Poorly Controlled Asthma in a Paediatric Asthma Population}, year = {2023}, journal = {J Asthma Allergy}, volume = {16}, edition = {2023/10/09}, pages = {1065-1075}, isbn = {1178-6965 (Print) 1178-6965}, doi = {10.2147/jaa.s428623}, note = {1178-6965 Kallis, Constantinos Morgan, Ann Fleming, Louise Quint, Jennifer K Orcid: 0000-0003-0149-4869 Journal Article New Zealand J Asthma Allergy. 2023 Oct 3;16:1065-1075. doi: 10.2147/JAA.S428623. eCollection 2023.}, language = {eng}, }