00629nas a2200193 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100001400043700001700057700001400074700001700088700001600105700001600121700001300137245023800150300000900388490000600397022003200403 2019 d1 aG. Muduma1 aV. Aluvihare1 aM. Clancy1 aE. de Nigris1 aC. Whitlock1 aM. Landeira1 aJ. Nazir00aThe Last Year Before Graft Failure Negatively Impacts Economic Outcomes and is Associated With Greater Healthcare Resource Utilization Compared With Previous Years in the United Kingdom: Results of a Retrospective Observational Study ae4430 v5 a2373-8731 (Print) 2373-8731