The burden of incontinence of urine associated with prostate cancer treatment: documenting the prevalence and highlighting the difference between prostate cancer treatment modalities

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Date of Approval
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Lay Summary

Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common cancer affecting the male population. There are a few different methods of treating PCa, however, they are linked to possible side-effects, some of which could have negative long-term effects on the patients. One of the most important complications is incontinence of urine (IU). It is a benign medical disease which could cause dramatic mental and social impact. It is also very costly for the NHS. IU following treatment of PCa is often caused by surgical removal of the gland. However, other forms of treatments of PCa can also lead to incontinence. The need for medical research to reduce this common side effect is increasing, yet we were unable to locate England or UK specific records of the number of males suffering from urinary incontinence in the general population or among males diagnosed with PCa. The aim of this study is to; document the burden of IU in the male population, determine the number of incontinence within patients with previous diagnosis of PCa, highlight the number of patients developing IU with each method of treatment of PCa and finally to estimate the financial cost of this condition.

Technical Summary

The aim of this study is to determine the proportion of incontinence of urine (IU) in the general male population of UK and document the prevalence of this complication following treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) in a representative English population. This will provide support for decision making in treating PCa and will be a reference for further related incontinence studies. We will start by identifying the prevalence of IU in the male population. The next step will be identifying patients with PCa who developed IU resulting from either PCa diagnosis without treatment or as a complication of their treatment. The prevalence of IU associated with treatment of PCa in England will be calculated and compared to prevalence of IU in England. Descriptive statistical analysis will be used to document the frequency, whereas different modalities of treatments for IU will be compared using One-way ANOVA test to documents the rates variability. The study will also estimate the cost of the development of IU following PCa treatment to determine the financial impact on the health care system.

Health Outcomes to be Measured

Proportion of male incontinence of urine (IU) in the UK and England
- Determine the rate of IU with each modality of treatment of PCa
- Proportion of Prostate cancer (PCa) related male IU in England
- The financial burden of IU resulting from treatment of PCa


Ismail Omar - Chief Investigator - Imperial College London
Ismail Omar - Corresponding Applicant - Imperial College London
Erik Mayer - Collaborator - Imperial College London
Joshua Symons - Collaborator - NHS Digital ( HSCIC )


HES Accident and Emergency;HES Admitted Patient Care;HES Outpatient