Senior Management Team


Puja Myles



Dr Puja Myles

Puja has been at CPRD since April 2017 when she initially joined as Head of Observational Research. In October 2022, Puja was appointed as Director of CPRD.

Puja trained as a public health specialist and epidemiologist following her initial clinical training and practice. She was then a public health academic working with real world data for many years before she joined CPRD. She is a fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (UK), a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and holds a PhD in Epidemiology.

Head of Interventional Research 

Tim Williams
Dr Tim Williams

Tim started at CPRD as an epidemiologist in 2001. Having worked within observational research until 2015 when he was appointed to the Head of Health Data Science role, he is now Head of Interventional Research. The Interventional Research Team is responsible for delivering services that support a wide range of clinical research studies, from GP questionnaires and patient recruitment up to full clinical trial management for studies in real world populations.

Tim has also worked at the University of Surrey Post Graduate Medical School, running the unit’s databases and contributing directly to epidemiological research. Tim holds a PhD in Biomedical Databases from Leeds University and has an MSc in Epidemiology from LSHTM. 

Head of Business Management

James Lawrence
James Lawrence 

James has been at CPRD since July 2019 and is responsible for business functions and operational management of CPRD.

James had worked in the healthcare and clinical trials arena for over 30 years in both the public and commercial sectors including as Managing Director UK for one of the world’s leading Site Management Organisations.

Head of Health Data Science 

Darren Lunn
Dr Darren Lunn

Darren has been at CPRD since July 2012 and is responsible for the Health Data Science team. His team oversee all of CPRD’s data curation and release, the applications and services that process and provide access to data, and the underlying technological infrastructure to support data access and processing.

Darren holds a PhD in Computer Science and prior to joining CPRD was a research associate at the University of Manchester School of Computer Science’s Interaction Analysis and Modelling Laboratory.

Head of Observational Research 

Susan Hodgson

Dr Susan Hodgson

Susan joined CPRD as a Senior Researcher in 2018, and is currently Head of Observational Research. The Observational Research team is responsible for the Research Data Governance process which underpins access to the CPRD data, provision of CPRD primary care and linked data for approved protocols, and the CPRD Commissioned Research service.

Susan holds a PhD in epidemiology, and was a lecturer in Epidemiology and Public Health at Imperial College London before joining CPRD. She has over 20 years epidemiology research experience, with a focus on use of routinely collected health data in epidemiology and public health.

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