L. Rodriguez

First name
Middle name
A. Garcia
Last name
Ruigomez, A., Rodriguez, L. A. G., Cattaruzzi, C., Troncon, M. G., Agostinis, L., Wallander, M. A., & Johansson, S. (1999). Use of cimetidine, omeprazole, and ranitidine in pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes. Am J Epidemiol.
Ruigomez, A., Wallander, M. A., Johansson, S., & Rodriguez, L. A. G. (1999). One-year follow-up of newly diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome patients. Aliment Pharmacol Ther.
Rodriguez, L. A. G., Duque, A., Castellsague, J., Perez-Gutthann, S., & Stricker, B. H. (1999). A cohort study on the risk of acute liver injury among users of ketoconazole and other antifungal drugs. Br J Clin Pharmacol.
Ruigomez, A., & Rodriguez, L. A. G. (1998). Presence of diabetes related complication at the time of NIDDM diagnosis: an important prognostic factor. Eur J Epidemiol.
Rodriguez, L. A. G., Ruigomez, A., Wallander, M. A., Johansson, S., & Olbe, L. (2000). Detection of colorectal tumor and inflammatory bowel disease during follow-up of patients with initial diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Scand J Gastroenterol.
Ruigomez, A., Rodriguez, L. A. G., Hasselgren, G., Johansson, S., & Wallander, M. A. (2000). Overall mortality among patients surviving an episode of peptic ulcer bleeding. J Epidemiol Community Health.
Rodriguez, L. A. G., & Huerta-Alvarez, C. (2000). Reduced incidence of colorectal adenoma among long-term users of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs: a pooled analysis of published studies and a new population-based study. Epidemiology.
Rodriguez, L. A. G., Varas, C., & Patrono, C. (2000). Differential effects of aspirin and non-aspirin nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in the primary prevention of myocardial infarction in postmenopausal women. Epidemiology.
Ruigomez, A., Rodriguez, L. A. G., Dev, V. J., Arellano, F., & Raniwala, J. (2000). Are schizophrenia or antipsychotic drugs a risk factor for cataracts?. Epidemiology.
Rodriguez, L. A. G., & Hernandez-Diaz, S. (2001). Relative risk of upper gastrointestinal complications among users of acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Epidemiology.