P. Rose

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Khan, N. F., Harrison, S. E., & Rose, P. W. (2010). Validity of diagnostic coding within the General Practice Research Database: a systematic review. Br J Gen Pract. http://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp10X483562
Khan, N. F., Mant, D., & Rose, P. W. (2010). Quality of care for chronic diseases in a British cohort of long-term cancer survivors. Ann Fam Med. http://doi.org/10.1370/afm.1162
Khan, N. F., Watson, E., & Rose, P. W. (2011). Primary care consultation behaviours of long-term, adult survivors of cancer in the UK. Br J Gen Pract. http://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp11X561195
Khan, N. F., Perera, R., Harper, S., & Rose, P. W. (2010). Adaptation and validation of the Charlson Index for Read/OXMIS coded databases. BMC Fam Pract. http://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2296-11-1
Khan, N. F., Ward, A. M., Watson, E., & Rose, P. W. (2010). Consulting and prescribing behaviour for anxiety and depression in long-term survivors of cancer in the UK. Eur J Cancer. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejca.2010.07.035
Khan, N. F., Mant, D., Carpenter, L., Forman, D., & Rose, P. W. (2011). Long-term health outcomes in a British cohort of breast, colorectal and prostate cancer survivors: a database study. Br J Cancer. http://doi.org/10.1038/bjc.2011.420
Stapley, S., Peters, T. J., Neal, R. D., Rose, P. W., Walter, F. M., & Hamilton, W. (2012). The risk of pancreatic cancer in symptomatic patients in primary care: a large case-control study using electronic records. Br J Cancer. http://doi.org/10.1038/bjc.2012.190
Shephard, E. A., Neal, R. D., Rose, P. W., Walter, F. M., & Hamilton, W. T. (2015). Quantifying the risk of Hodgkin lymphoma in symptomatic primary care patients aged >/=40 years: a case-control study using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract. http://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp15X684805
Shephard, E. A., Neal, R. D., Rose, P. W., Walter, F. M., & Hamilton, W. T. (2015). Quantifying the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in symptomatic primary care patients aged >/=40 years: a large case-control study using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract. http://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp15X684793
Shephard, E. A., Neal, R. D., Rose, P. W., Walter, F. M., & Hamilton, W. (2016). Symptoms of adult chronic and acute leukaemia before diagnosis: large primary care case-control studies using electronic records. Br J Gen Pract. http://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp16X683989