E. Burns

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Bouras, G., Burns, E. M., Howell, A. M., Bottle, A., Athanasiou, T., & Darzi, A. (2015). Risk of Post-Discharge Venous Thromboembolism and Associated Mortality in General Surgery: A Population-Based Cohort Study Using Linked Hospital and Primary Care Data in England. PLoS One. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0145759
Bouras, G., Markar, S. R., Burns, E. M., Huddy, J. R., Bottle, A., Athanasiou, T., et al. (2017). The psychological impact of symptoms related to esophagogastric cancer resection presenting in primary care: A national linked database study. Eur J Surg Oncol. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejso.2016.10.010
Bouras, G., Burns, E. M., Howell, A. M., Bottle, A., Athanasiou, T., & Darzi, A. (2017). Linked hospital and primary care database analysis of the impact of short-term complications on recurrence in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Hernia. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10029-017-1575-1
Arhi, C. S., Bottle, A., Burns, E. M., Clarke, J. M., Aylin, P., Ziprin, P., & Darzi, A. (2018). Comparison of cancer diagnosis recording between the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, Cancer Registry and Hospital Episodes Statistics. Cancer Epidemiol. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.canep.2018.08.009
Arhi, C. S., Burns, E. M., Bouras, G., Aylin, P., Ziprin, P., & Darzi, A. (2018). Complications after discharge and delays in adjuvant chemotherapy following colonic resection: a cohort study of linked primary and secondary care data. Colorectal Dis. http://doi.org/10.1111/codi.14525
Arhi, C. S., Markar, S., Burns, E. M., Bouras, G., Bottle, A., Hanna, G., et al. (2019). Delays in referral from primary care are associated with a worse survival in patients with esophagogastric cancer. Dis Esophagus. http://doi.org/10.1093/dote/doy132
Arhi, C. S., Burns, E. M., Bottle, A., Bouras, G., Aylin, P., Ziprin, P., & Darzi, A. (2020). Delays in referral from primary care worsen survival for patients with colorectal cancer: a retrospective cohort study. Br J Gen Pract. http://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp20X710441