Lay member vacancies

We are seeking members of the public to join the committees that provide advice relating to access to CPRD data

CPRD data is used by medicines regulators such as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA),by government organisations including Public Health England, and by academic researchers, the NHS and pharmaceutical companies. CPRD data can only be used by bona fide researchers in these organisations for public health research. 

For more than 30 years, CPRD data has supported vital research into health care delivery, drug safety, effectiveness of medicines and risk factors for disease. Research using CPRD data has resulted in over 2,700 peer-reviewed publications, which have informed drug safety guidance and best clinical practice in the NHS and internationally. 

To access CPRD data, researchers must submit a research application to CPRD. The application goes through CPRD’s Research Data Governance (RDG) review process to assess the merit of the research, including consideration of public health benefit and ethical issues. 


The role of a Lay Member is to act as the voice of patients and the public, and to provide advice to CPRD on specific research applications. All reviews and meetings will be conducted virtually.

We are looking for members of the public who are interested in public health research and have the ability to evaluate research proposals to provide a public perspective on research applications received by CPRD. 

The deadline for applications is midday on Friday 7 May 2021. 

If you have any questions about these roles please contact the Research Data Governance secretariat at