New Research Data Governance process

The data governance framework for CPRD, underpinned by the Independent Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC), has evolved over time since it was last reviewed in 2006. Since then, the external information governance environment, public views on data sharing and the volumes of data and requests to access these data held by CPRD have changed substantially.

To ensure that CPRD’s data governance processes are proportionate, fit for purpose and sustainable, the former Director of Public Health at NICE, Professor Mike Kelly, was commissioned by the former MHRA Chief Executive, Dr Ian Hudson, to undertake a review of CPRD’s internal data governance framework. The terms of reference for the review included making recommendations to the MHRA to address any issues arising from the review findings.

Professor Kelly concluded that while the current CPRD data governance process worked well, there was a need to redesign some of the processes to create a more resilient internal data governance system for the future. The Report of the independent review is available below. 

Download: Review of CPRD Internal Data Governance Framework Final Report

(PDF, 161KB, 13 pages) 

The MHRA Board accepted the Review recommendations in full and the resulting new Research Data Governance (RDG) process which has been approved by the MHRA and NIHR will go live on 1 June 2021. The RDG process provides a transparent and robust mechanism for reviewing research applications to access CPRD data. More details of the new RDG process are provided in the CPRD Research Data Governance Operating Framework. 

Download: CPRD Research Data Governance Operating Framework (PDF, 178KB, 4 pages)

In order to facilitate a smooth transition to the new RDG process, CPRD will not be accepting any new applications to access CPRD data from 5pm on Friday 28 May 2021 until 8am on Monday 7 June 2021.

Applicants intending to submit a COVID-19 study before 7 June 2021 should contact the RDG Secretariat at as soon as possible.