
Research using CPRD data has informed drug safety guidance and clinical practice and resulted in over 3,500 peer-reviewed publications. The CPRD bibliography listed below is updated on a monthly basis (last updated 12 July 2024).

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This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support. CPRD encourages researchers to use this citation in all publications using CPRD data. Find out more about acknowledging the use of patient data at the Understanding Patient Data website

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Use of oral glucocorticoids and risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in a population based case-control study


Authors: P. Souverein, A. Berard, T. van Staa, C. Cooper, A. Egberts, H. Leufkens, B. Walker


Utilisation of hormone replacement therapy in the United Kingdom. A descriptive study using the general practice research database

Authors: S. Bromley, C. de Vries, R. Farmer


Vaccination and allergic disease: a birth cohort study

Authors: T. McKeever, S. Lewis, C. Smith, R. Hubbard


Validation of the diagnosis of autism in general practitioner records


Authors: E. Fombonne, L. Heavey, L. Smeeth, L. Rodrigues, C. Cook, P. Smith, L. Meng, A. Hall


Venous thromboembolism associated with cyproterone acetate in combination with ethinyloestradiol (Dianette): observational studies using the UK General Practice Research Database


Authors: H. Seaman, C. de Vries, R. Farmer


What has happened to antimicrobial usage in primary care in the United Kingdom since the SMAC report? - description of trends in antimicrobial usage using the General Practice Research Database


Authors: G. Smith, S. Smith, H. Heatlie, J. Bashford, J. Hawker, D. Ashcroft, D. Millson, N. Verlander, R. Warren


Why has antibiotic prescribing for respiratory illness declined in primary care? A longitudinal study using the General Practice Research Database


Authors: M. Ashworth, R. Latinovic, J. Charlton, K. Cox, G. Rowlands, M. Gulliford


Absence of cross-reactivity between sulfonamide antibiotics and sulfonamide nonantibiotics


Authors: B. Strom, R. Schinnar, A. Apter, D. Margolis, E. Lautenbach, S. Hennessy, W. Bilker, D. Pettitt


All-cause mortality and vascular events among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or no arthritis in the UK General Practice Research Database

Authors: D. Watson, T. Rhodes, H. Guess


Antihypertensive treatment and erectile dysfunction in a cohort of type II diabetes patients


Authors: W. Blumentals, R. Brown, A. Gomez-Caminero


Cataract and the use of statins: a case-control study

Authors: L. Smeeth, R. Hubbard, A. Fletcher


Changes in antipsychotic drug prescribing by general practitioners in the United Kingdom from 1991 to 2000: a population-based observational study

Authors: J. Kaye, B. Bradbury, H. Jick


Channelling bias and the incidence of gastrointestinal haemorrhage in users of meloxicam, coxibs, and older, non-specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Authors: T. MacDonald, S. Morant, J. Goldstein, T. Burke, D. Pettitt


Children and the risk of fractures caused by oral corticosteroids


Authors: T. van Staa, C. Cooper, H. Leufkens, N. Bishop


Comparison of area-based inequality measures and disease morbidity in England, 1994\textendash1998.

Authors: J Hoare


Cost and effectiveness of brinzolamide versus dorzolamide in current practice: an analysis based on the UK-GPRD database

Authors: C. Deschaseaux-Voinet, A. Lafuma, G. Berdeaux


The differences between ACE inhibitor-treated and calcium channel blocker-treated hypertensive patients

Authors: G. McInnes


Differences in the use of combined oral contraceptives amongst women with and without acne

Authors: H. Seaman, C. de Vries, R. Farmer


Discontinuation and switching of therapy after initiation of lipid-lowering drugs: the effects of comorbidities and patient characteristics

Authors: C. Yang, S. Jick, M. Testa


Does influenza vaccination increase consultations, corticosteroid prescriptions, or exacerbations in subjects with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Authors: L. Tata, J. West, T. Harrison, P. Farrington, C. Smith, R. Hubbard


Early-life exposure to antibacterials and the subsequent development of hayfever in childhood in the UK: case-control studies using the General Practice Research Database and the Doctors\textquoteright Independent Network

Authors: S. Bremner, I. Carey, S. DeWilde, N. Richards, W. Maier, S. Hilton, D. Strachan, D. Cook


Epidemiology and possible causes of autism

Authors: H. Jick, J. Kaye


Exposure to tricyclic and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants and the risk of hip fracture

Authors: R. Hubbard, P. Farrington, C. Smith, L. Smeeth, A. Tattersfield


Fracture risk in people with celiac disease: a population-based cohort study

Authors: J. West, R. Logan, T. Card, C. Smith, R. Hubbard


Head lice diagnosed in general practice in the West Midlands between 1993 and 2000: a survey using the General Practice Research Database

Authors: S. Smith, G. Smith, H. Heatlie, J. Bashford, D. Ashcroft, D. Millson


Is hormone replacement therapy associated with an increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome?

Authors: A. Ruigomez, L. Rodriguez, S. Johansson, M. Wallander


Implications of the problem orientated medical record (POMR) for research using electronic GP databases: a comparison of the Doctors Independent Network Database (DIN) and the General Practice Research Database (GPRD)


Authors: I. Carey, D. Cook, S. De Wilde, S. Bremner, N. Richards, S. Caine, D. Strachan, S. Hilton


The incidence of bleeding complications associated with warfarin treatment in general practice in the United Kingdom

Authors: J. Hollowell, A. Ruigomez, S. Johansson, M. Wallander, L. Garcia-Rodriguez


Incidence of erectile dysfunction and characteristics of patients before and after the introduction of sildenafil in the United Kingdom: cross sectional study with comparison patients


Authors: J. Kaye, H. Jick


The incidence of sterilisation in the UK

Authors: S. Rowlands, P. Hannaford


Increased risk of achilles tendon rupture with quinolone antibacterial use, especially in elderly patients taking oral corticosteroids


Authors: P. van der Linden, M. Sturkenboom, R. Herings, H. Leufkens, S. Rowlands, B. Stricker


Increasing prevalence of asthma in UK primary care during the 1990s

Authors: J. Soriano, V. Kiri, W. Maier, D. Strachan


Lipid-lowering drugs and the risk of depression and suicidal behavior


Authors: C. Yang, S. Jick, H. Jick


Lymphoma rates are low but increased in patients with psoriasis: results from a population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom


Authors: J. Gelfand, J. Berlin, A. Van Voorhees, D. Margolis


Medical conditions as risk factors for pressure ulcers in an outpatient setting

Authors: D. Margolis, J. Knauss, W. Bilker, M. Baumgarten


Medical outcome of pregnancy in women with psychotic disorders and their infants in the first year after birth

Authors: L. Howard, C. Goss, M. Leese, G. Thornicroft


MMR vaccine and idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura

Authors: C. Black, J. Kaye, H. Jick


Mortality in inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based cohort study

Authors: T. Card, R. Hubbard, R. Logan


Neutropenia and agranulocytosis in England and Wales: incidence and risk factors


Authors: T. van Staa, F. Boulton, C. Cooper, A. Hagenbeek, H. Inskip, H. Leufkens


Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs as a trigger of clinical heart failure


Authors: L. Rodriguez, S. Hernandez-Diaz


A population based case-control study of cataract and inhaled corticosteroids

Authors: L. Smeeth, M. Boulis, R. Hubbard, A. Fletcher


Prevalence of treated asthma and its management in general practice in England and Wales, 1994\textendash1998

Authors: J. Hoare, M. Bruce, A. Majeed


The proportional Venn diagram of obstructive lung disease: two approximations from the United States and the United Kingdom

Authors: J. Soriano, K. Davis, B. Coleman, G. Visick, D. Mannino, N. Pride


Referral of children to specialists in the United States and the United kingdom

Authors: C. Forrest, A. Majeed, J. Weiner, K. Carroll, A. Bindman


The risk of liver disorders in women prescribed cyproterone acetate in combination with ethinyloestradiol (Dianette): a nested case-control study using the GPRD


Authors: H. Seaman, C. de Vries, R. Farmer


The risk of stillbirth in pregnancies before and after the onset of diabetes

Authors: S. Wood, H. Jick, R. Sauve


The risk of venous thromboembolism in women prescribed cyproterone acetate in combination with ethinyl estradiol: a nested cohort analysis and case-control study

Authors: H. Seaman, C. de Vries, R. Farmer


Temporal trends in orchidopexy, Great Britain, 1992-1998


Authors: M. Toledano, A. Hansell, L. Jarup, M. Quinn, S. Jick, P. Elliott


Use of alpha-blockers and the risk of hip/femur fractures

Authors: P. Souverein, T. van Staa, A. Egberts, J. De la Rosette, C. Cooper, H. Leufkens


The use of inhaled corticosteroids in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands

Authors: T. van Staa, C. Cooper, H. Leufkens, J. Lammers, S. Suissa