
Research using CPRD data has informed drug safety guidance and clinical practice and resulted in over 3,500 peer-reviewed publications. The CPRD bibliography listed below is updated on a monthly basis (last updated 12 July 2024).

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This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support. CPRD encourages researchers to use this citation in all publications using CPRD data. Find out more about acknowledging the use of patient data at the Understanding Patient Data website

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Risk of venous thromboembolism among users of third generation oral contraceptives compared with users of oral contraceptives with levonorgestrel before and after 1995: cohort and case-control analysis

Authors: H. Jick, J. Kaye, C. Vasilakis-Scaramozza, S. Jick


Statins and the risk of dementia

Authors: H. Jick, G. Zornberg, S. Jick, S. Seshadri, D. Drachman


A UK general practice database study of prevalence and mortality of people with neural tube defects


Authors: R. Lawrenson, J. Wyndaele, I. Vlachonikolis, C. Farmer, S. Glickman


The use of a large pharmacoepidemiological database to study exposure to oral corticosteroids and risk of fractures: validation of study population and results


Authors: T. van Staa, L. Abenhaim, C. Cooper, B. Zhang, H. Leufkens


Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of fractures

Authors: T. van Staa, H. Leufkens, C. Cooper


Use of oral corticosteroids and risk of fractures


Authors: T. van Staa, H. Leufkens, L. Abenhaim, B. Zhang, C. Cooper


Use of oral corticosteroids in the United Kingdom

Authors: T. van Staa, H. Leufkens, L. Abenhaim, B. Begaud, B. Zhang, C. Cooper


Validation of the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism in general practice database studies

Authors: R. Lawrenson, J. Todd, G. Leydon, T. Williams, R. Farmer


Venous thromboembolism and combined oral contraceptives: does the type of progestogen make a difference?

Authors: R. Lawrenson, R. Farmer


Age- and sex-specific antibiotic prescribing patterns in general practice in England and Wales in 1996

Authors: A. Majeed, K. Moser


Antibiotics and risk of subsequent first-time acute myocardial infarction

Authors: C. Meier, L. Derby, S. Jick, C. Vasilakis, H. Jick


Association between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and upper gastrointestinal bleeding: population based case-control study

Authors: F. de Abajo, L. Rodriguez, D. Montero


Association of air pollution with daily GP consultations for asthma and other lower respiratory conditions in London

Authors: S. Hajat, A. Haines, S. Goubet, R. Atkinson, H. Anderson


A cohort study on the risk of acute liver injury among users of ketoconazole and other antifungal drugs

Authors: L. Rodriguez, A. Duque, J. Castellsague, S. Perez-Gutthann, B. Stricker


Costs of breast cancer treatment in the United Kingdom


Authors: P. Dolan, D. Torgerson, J. Wolstenholme


Frequency of liver disease in type 2 diabetic patients treated with oral antidiabetic agents

Authors: S. Jick, M. Stender, M. Myers


Health of older people: disease prevalence, prescription and referral rates, England and Wales 1996

Authors: M. Carter, K. Moser, S. Kelly


Hormone replacement therapy: patterns of use studied through British general practice computerized records

Authors: M. Lawrence, L. Jones, T. Lancaster, E. Daly, E. Banks


Increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome after bacterial gastroenteritis: cohort study

Authors: L. Rodriguez, A. Ruigomez


Low-dose diclofenac, naproxen, and ibuprofen cohort study

Authors: S. Perez-Gutthann, L. Garcia-Rodriguez, A. Duque-Oliart, C. Varas-Lorenzo


Minocycline and lupuslike syndrome in acne patients

Authors: M. Sturkenboom, C. Meier, H. Jick, B. Stricker


One-year follow-up of newly diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome patients

Authors: A. Ruigomez, M. Wallander, S. Johansson, L. Rodriguez


Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolic disease. Analyses of the UK General Practice Research Database and the UK Mediplus database

Authors: R. Farmer, R. Lawrenson, J. Todd, T. Williams, K. MacRae


Outcomes of undernutrition in patients in the community with cancer or cardiovascular disease

Authors: J. Edington, P. Winter, S. Coles, C. Gale, C. Martyn


Prescribing for patients with asthma by general practitioners in England and Wales 1994-1996

Authors: A. Majeed, K. Moser


Risk of idiopathic cerebral haemorrhage in women on oral contraceptives with differing progestagen components


Authors: S. Jick, M. Myers, H. Jick


Risk of idiopathic venous thromboembolism in users of progestagens alone


Authors: C. Vasilakis, H. Jick, del Melero-Montes


The risk of venous thromboembolism in users of postcoital contraceptive pills

Authors: C. Vasilakis, S. Jick, H. Jick


Risk of ventricular arrhythmias associated with nonsedating antihistamine drugs

Authors: F. de Abajo, L. Rodriguez


Secondary prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding associated with maintenance acid-suppressing treatment in patients with peptic ulcer bleed

Authors: L. Rodriguez, A. Ruigomez


Should the corticosteroid to bronchodilator ratio be promoted as a quality prescribing marker?


Authors: M. Frischer, H. Heatlie, S. Chapman, J. Norwood, J. Bashford, D. Millson


Switching between metered dose inhalers (MDIs) and dry powder inhalers (DPIs) in airways disease: An analysis of agespecific rates using the general practice research database.

Authors: M. Frisher, H. Heatlie, S. Chapman, J. Bashford, J. Norwood


Use of cimetidine, omeprazole, and ranitidine in pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes

Authors: A. Ruigomez, L. Rodriguez, C. Cattaruzzi, M. Troncon, L. Agostinis, M. Wallander, S. Johansson


Use of dexfenfluramine, fenfluramine and phentermine and the risk of stroke

Authors: L. Derby, M. Myers, H. Jick


Use of the General Practice Research Database (GPRD) for respiratory epidemiology: a comparison with the 4th Morbidity Survey in General Practice (MSGP4)

Authors: A. Hansell, J. Hollowell, T. Nichols, R. McNiece, D. Strachan


Acute respiratory-tract infections and risk of first-time acute myocardial infarction

Authors: C. Meier, S. Jick, L. Derby, C. Vasilakis, H. Jick


Age-specific incidence and prevalence rates of treated epilepsy in an unselected population of 2,052,922 and age-specific fertility rates of women with epilepsy


Authors: H. Wallace, S. Shorvon, R. Tallis


Anitdepressant exposure and risk of Cryptogenic Fibrosing Alveolitis (CFA): A case-control study using the General Practice Research Database (GPRD)

Authors: Richard Hubbard, A. Venn, S. Lewis, Justin Britton


Antiepileptics and blood dyscrasias: a cohort study

Authors: S. Blackburn, A. Oliart, L. Rodriguez, Perez Gutthann


Appendectomy protects against ulcerative colitis

Authors: L. Derby, H. Jick


Comparison of mortality from peptic ulcer bleed between patients with or without peptic ulcer antecedents

Authors: L. Rodriguez, A. Ruigomez, G. Hasselgren, M. Wallander, S. Johansson


The cost of treating osteoporotic fractures in the United Kingdom female population


Authors: P. Dolan, D. Torgerson


Effect of nutritional status on use of health care resources by patients with chronic disease living in the community

Authors: C. Martyn, P. Winter, S. Coles, J. Edington


Exposure to commonly prescribed drugs and the etiology of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis: a case-control study


Authors: R. Hubbard, A. Venn, C. Smith, M. Cooper, I. Johnston, J. Britton


Influenza vaccine uptake and distribution in England and Wales, July 1989-June 1997

Authors: C. Irish, M. Alli, C. Gilham, C. Joseph, J. Watson


Mortality in people taking selegiline: observational study

Authors: M. Thorogood, B. Armstrong, T. Nichols, J. Hollowell


A population-based study of appetite-suppressant drugs and the risk of cardiac-valve regurgitation


Authors: H. Jick, C. Vasilakis, L. Weinrauch, C. Meier, S. Jick, L. Derby


Postmarketing surveillance of the safety of cyclic etidronate

Authors: T. van Staa, H. Leufkens, L. Abenhaim, C. Cooper


Postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy and the risk of developing systemic lupus erythematosus or discoid lupus

Authors: C. Meier, M. Sturkenboom, A. Cohen, H. Jick


Potential for suicide prevention in primary care? An analysis of factors associated with suicide

Authors: F. Haste, J. Charlton, R. Jenkins