Approved studies using CPRD Data

Access to CPRD data, including UK Primary Care Data, and linked data such as Hospital Episode Statistics, is subject to protocol approval via CPRD’s Research Data Governance (RDG) Process. Independent scientific and patient advice is provided by Expert Review Committees (ERCs) and the Central Advisory Committee (CAC). 

A summary of all approved protocols, including a lay and technical summary of the proposed research, is published three months after RDG approval. COVID-19 research protocols are being fast-tracked and all approved summaries are published within 72 hours to ensure transparency and to help avoid unnecessary duplication. 

Protocols below are listed in order of date of approval. Please click on the study title for more details. 

Peer-reviewed publications from research using CPRD data will be listed on our bibliography page

Date of Approval Sort ascending Title
26/01/2021 Urban-rural comparison of access to care and health outcomes for five major health conditions related to cardio-metabolic diseases, mental health and infectious diseases in England
26/01/2021 Investigating epilepsy-related mortality among children and young people with intellectual disabilities and co-occurring epilepsy: a record linkage cohort study
25/01/2021 Prevalence and incidence of mental health conditions in children and young people with intellectual disabilities in England
21/01/2021 Cohort study of risk factors of acute and chronic cardiovascular events in COVID-19 patients
21/01/2021 Trends of gabapentinoid prescribing associated overdose and mortality in chronic pain patients and the impact of gabapentinoid classification as a controlled drug
19/01/2021 Use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors and the risk of acute pancreatitis
19/01/2021 The descriptive epidemiology of Adverse Events of Special Interest for COVID-19 and other vaccines in the general population and after seasonal influenza and COVID-19 disease
18/01/2021 Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) dosing patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF): a retrospective cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Gold database
15/01/2021 PRECISION-Predicting Risk of Endometrial Cancer in aSymptomatIc wOmeN
15/01/2021 Comorbidity among patients receiving opioid substitution therapy: examination of primary and secondary healthcare utilisation, cost of care, drug-drug interactions and mortality risk.
15/01/2021 Diagnosing COPD: Survey of Patient Experience across the UK
15/01/2021 Comparability and Relative Effectiveness of Osteoporosis Treatment Groups in European Clinical Practice
15/01/2021 Lifelong Adverse health ouTcomes Especially dementia risk following Traumatic Brain Injury (LATE-TBI)
13/01/2021 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on routine clinical management of patients with neurological diseases: a descriptive retrospective cohort study
12/01/2021 Incidence, Prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis in CPRD – Burden of Mortality, Infection and Cancer Among Patients With Multiple Sclerosis
08/01/2021 The impact of timely diagnosis and recurrent health seeking behaviour on the subsequent clinical course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A UK population based study
07/01/2021 Prevalence estimate of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease -risk equivalent and familial hypercholesterolaemia patients with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
07/01/2021 Is there an association between antibiotic exposure and Parkinson disease?
06/01/2021 Understanding clusters and mechanisms of complex multimorbidity in people with common allergic conditions
06/01/2021 Trends and factors associated with prescription opioid utilisation, dependence and deaths in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases