Approved studies using CPRD Data

Access to CPRD data, including UK Primary Care Data, and linked data such as Hospital Episode Statistics, is subject to protocol approval via CPRD’s Research Data Governance (RDG) Process. Independent scientific and patient advice is provided by Expert Review Committees (ERCs) and the Central Advisory Committee (CAC). 

A summary of all approved protocols, including a lay and technical summary of the proposed research, is published three months after RDG approval. COVID-19 research protocols are being fast-tracked and all approved summaries are published within 72 hours to ensure transparency and to help avoid unnecessary duplication. 

Protocols below are listed in order of date of approval. Please click on the study title for more details. 

Peer-reviewed publications from research using CPRD data will be listed on our bibliography page

Date of Approval Sort ascending Title
04/04/2024 Clinical Practice Research Datalink GOLD has changed: an updated overview of its content and characteristics to improve clinical research using this data source.
04/04/2024 Multi-state model and Joint models of recurrent cardiovascular disease
04/04/2024 Multi-state model and Joint models of recurrent cardiovascular disease
04/04/2024 Clinical Practice Research Datalink GOLD has changed: an updated overview of its content and characteristics to improve clinical research using this data source.
28/03/2024 Feasibility study of the risk and long-term outcomes of acute kidney injury among chronic kidney disease patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass procedure in the UK
28/03/2024 Burden of disease in high-risk patients without prior myocardial infarction or stroke in the UK
28/03/2024 Influence of smoking status or vaping on severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at diagnosis, COPD management, and comorbidity diagnosis and management
28/03/2024 Feasibility study of the risk and long-term outcomes of acute kidney injury among chronic kidney disease patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass procedure in the UK
28/03/2024 Burden of disease in high-risk patients without prior myocardial infarction or stroke in the UK
28/03/2024 Influence of smoking status or vaping on severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at diagnosis, COPD management, and comorbidity diagnosis and management
27/03/2024 Rhythm control strategies in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation: Eligibility and long-term outcomes
26/03/2024 Macrolide antibiotic use and the risk of allergic reactions, and allergic and autoimmune diseases: cohort and nested-case control analyses
25/03/2024 Safety of ciprofloxacin and risk of suicidality: a case control study in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.
21/03/2024 Exploring the treatment pathway for patients with Alagille syndrome or progressive familial intrahepatic and investigating the association between serum bile acid levels and pruritis
18/03/2024 Prescribing patterns in the context of multimorbidity: a UK population cohort study.
18/03/2024 The role of inequalities in asthma care and outcomes in England: a cohort study of people with asthma
18/03/2024 Incidence, early disease trends, treatment effectiveness and risk factors associated with severity for patients with sickle cell
18/03/2024 Ethnic differences in the trajectory of blood glucose levels during type 2 diabetes treatment in UK primary care, and how adherence influences care; a cohort study
13/03/2024 Examining mental health outcomes, multimorbidity, and healthcare utilisation in Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and NF2-related schwannomatosis (NF2, formerly Neurofibromatosis type 2): a matched cohort study in England
12/03/2024 Novel analytical methods for predicting risk, diagnosis, and progression of heart failure (STRATIFYHF)